Name:- Cherry
Species :- Redtail Hawk / Buzzard
Latin Name :- Buteo jamaicensis
Sex :- Female
Weight : between 1.5 – 2.5 Kilos ( 2lbs 8oz – 3lbs 19 oz)
Born : May 2015
Bio :-
Cherry came to us at 16 weeks old after being very badly treated by someone who thought they knew how to train a bird of prey. Unfortunately this wasn’t the case and Cherry had very bad feather damage, a cracked beak and blunted talons after being tied to a perch sat on tarmac.
We nursed Cherry back to health for over a month with her sat on our laps being hand fed small pieces of food due to her beak damage. The result of this is she imprinted upon us and now she is just part of the family.
Cherry is probably the tamest and most gentle natured hawk you are ever likely to meet. She loves sparkly things, music and making her nest perfect to the point of decorating it with flowers and things she finds pretty. She loves a good bath on a nice day and chatting away to her neighbour Mars the common buzzard.
Everyone loves Cherry and is now so popular she has her own facebook page!
please click on a picture below to view Cherry’s gallery